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At Family Wholesale, we are dedicated to helping customers save money shopping in our brick and mortar store and online, while also helping our vendors achieve higher recoveries through custom tailored liquidation programs!
Home: About
eCommerce Capabilities: We offer online sales via our website, Amazon, Walmart and eBay.... this is just one way we can bring our products to a broader audience and fuel higher recoveries.

Our Family Wholesale Retail Store is over 28,000 sq ft of discounted national brand merchandise.  This helps our local customers make the most of their family's budget.
Custom Solutions for Overstock and Liquidation: We have over 25 years of experience in secondary markets for surplus and overstock merchandise. Our vast national and global networks can be leveraged to move your products discretely or we can move them direct to well known channels. Whatever your liquidation needs are, we have a solution that will work. Give us a call today to discuss your needs.

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